Maintaining your mental health during the holidays (and the pandemic)

Tis the season of joy, but the holidays can also be an extremely challenging and stressful time and, combined with the ongoing pandemic, it is even more imperative that you pay attention to your own mental health.

With that in mind, we have created a list of our top ten tips for maintaining your mental health during this hectic season:


Stay Safe

We are, after all, still in a pandemic. It might not be as prevalent in the news as last year, but we are still in the middle of a pandemic with variants of Covid-19 spreading across the world all the time. It is important therefore, that we remember that. Follow local guidelines in order to keep safe, and if you don’t do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with.

Be kind to yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in the madness of the holidays – shopping for gifts, pleasing family members or feeling obliged to do something with others just because of the holidays. This year, try to put your own mental and physical wellbeing ahead of everyone else’s. Once you recognize what triggers you, you can take steps to avoid or cope with it.

Be thankful

It has been a crazy couple of years, and it doesn’t show much sign of slowing down. If you find yourself feeling a little overwhelmed, try taking a moment and writing a list of all the things you are thankful for.

Manage your time

Time seems to just disappear during the holidays – and at the end of it all, you can feel like you need a holiday just to get over the holiday! This can be avoided by managing your time in a more effective way. Write a schedule and put in your day-to-day tasks and deadline. Remember, it’s okay to say no to plans that don’t fit into your schedule – or that you don’t want to go to!

Accept imperfection

Social media and tv commercials are not representative of real life! The happy, excited and joyful individuals seen on our screens are more-often-than-not completely staged and filmed in a studio. Do not compare yourself to what you see online. Sometimes, it’s just not possible to find the perfect gift, or have an enjoyable or peaceful time with family over the holidays – so don’t compare yourself to anyone else.

Set boundaries

Family dynamics can be complex. You can only control your role within your family. If you need to, don’t attend events that make you feel uncomfortable, overwhelmed, or increase your stress levels.

Get outside!

Schedule in some time during the holidays to get outside. Even better, if you can get outside every day as part of your daily routine. Even if it’s freezing outside, getting a little fresh air will give you that all important mental boost.


Practice some self-care during this holiday season. Schedule in some time for activities that you enjoy – whether that is setting an hour aside to read a book, going to the movies, getting a massage, or lighting some candles and relaxing in the tub. Do what makes you feel good.

Eat well

Christmas isn’t necessarily the healthiest time of year. Often, it can be filled with fatty foods, alcohol and sweet treats – but, try to make some time to eat foods that are unprocessed –whole grains, vegetables and fruits are a good basis for a healthy body and mind.


Above all, our message this festive season is to stay safe and try to put yourself first. We know it can be difficult, but in doing so, you will feel revitalized, stronger and ready to undertake whatever 2022 brings.  


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